Local Storage vs Session Storage vs Cookie
2 min readAug 29, 2021
// LocalStorage
localStorage.setItem(“name”, “Natan”);
localStorage.getItem(“name”); //Natan// SessionStorage
sessionStorage.setItem(“name”, “Cabral”);
sessionStorage.getItem(“name”); // Cabral// Cookie
window.cookie = “name=Natan; expires=” + new Date(9999,01,01).toUTCString();
window.cookie; // all data
Local Storage
- Has no expiration date
- Client only
- Has no SSL support
- Data are not transferred on each HTTP request
- 5 mb limit (check with the browser)
Session Storage
- Data is gone when you close the browser tab
- Client only
- Has no SSL support
- Data are not transferred on each HTTP request
- 5–10 mb limit (check with the browser)
- Has different expiration dates (both the server or client can set up expiration date)
- The Client can’t access the Cookies if the
flag is true - Has SSL Support
- Data are transferred on each HTTP request
- 4kb limit
In chrome browser, by inspect element, we can go to application tab and see values which are in localStorage, Session Storage and Cookies.
If you need get size:
const size =
new Blob(Object.values(window.localStorage)).size / 1024
).toFixed(2) + ‘ KB’;